Welcome to Maple Orthodontics
Maple Orthodontics specialises in straightening teeth for children and adults in and around the Slough and Berkshire area, providing Private, Independent and NHS treatment. Our Principal Michael Cheung is a registered Specialist Orthodontist who offers patients a variety of state-of-the-art orthodontic technology, including Invisalign aligners and other ‘invisible’ braces.
We are proud that our expertise in fitting and maintaining your braces is second to none and that we have a truly welcoming and exceptionally friendly environment. We gently align your teeth into a beautiful smile you’ll be happy with for the rest of your life, what ever your age!

Invisible Aligners
You can have the beautiful straight teeth you always wanted with Invisalign clear aligners which invisibly straighten your teeth with a series of custom-moulded, clear aligners.
Now there’s breakthrough technology that lets you gets the smile you always wanted without bands, brackets or wires.
Hidden Braces
Lingual or Hidden braces are placed behind your teeth, and are therefore virtually invisible to other people. They are made from state-of-the-art technology and fit the individual shape of your teeth.
These braces provide extremely effective results without being detectable, making it a great alternative to other orthodontic treatments.

Ceramic Braces
Ceramic or clear fixed braces have become a popular in recent years, particularly with adult patients who want to improve their smile without having highly visible metal braces.
We use a clear bracket brace to straighten teeth with less visibility and all the benefits of a traditional fixed brace.
Metal Braces
Metal braces are one of the most common types of orthodontic treatments which offer predictable and precise results in even the most difficult orthodontic cases.
They are extremely effective and producing functional, aesthetically-pleasing smiles.